What is a Tesla Generator

Are you sick and tired of paying hundreds of dollars a month to the electric company?  Are you ready to give them the boot?  I have two words for you.  Tesla Secret.  Those two words will open the door for you to unlimited energy for the rest of your life?  Why haven’t you heard about this before now you ask?  Because those fact cats in Washington and the Big Electric moguls don’t want you to know about it!  Can you imagine how much money they would lose if they could no longer nickel and dime hard working Americans on a yearly basis?  Exactly.  That’s why I am here to tell you about the Tesla Generator, and the Tesla Turbine.

Named after one of the pioneers in the electricity field, Nikola Tesla, this device is easy to build, and will cost you under $100!  Harnessing the power of cosmic rays, (yes, cosmic rays!) we can offer you a manual which will give you the secrets to building your very own Tesla Coil, Tesla Turbine, and unlock the Tesla Secret!  This isn’t some crazy mad scientist generator either.  This is a small, portable device, that you can use on almost anything that requires electric power, from plasma televisions, to blenders, to even your Sega Nomad game system!

Think about it.  No more stressing over the thermostat.  No more scolding the kids to turn the lights off when they leave the room.  No more fussing over the power requirements on the box of appliance you buy.  No more shopping around for the best deal on light bulbs.  Just stress-free, unlimited energy, for the rest of your life!  That’s a value that keeps on saving you money.  Anyone can build their own Tesla Generator by using our Tesla Secret!  Your Tesla Turbine will last you a life time.  Want to be off the grid?  This is your answer.  Worried about power outages, but can’t afford those super expensive generators?  Tesla Secret has your answer.

Our device harnesses the excess power cosmic rays let off by the sun, and sucks them out of the ionosphere and puts them directly into your home, and your devices!  You can even build a basic $2.00 dollar Tesla Generator to get an idea of the power that lay ahead of you.  Tesla Secret has a video which breaks down all the parts you need, and tells you what you need to know to build your own generator!  Check it out.  Now, YOU have the power!


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